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BCH's First Baby of the New Year

January 4, 2022

Congratulations to Auston and Megan Mohlis from Jewell on the birth of their daughter Alessandra Odette Mohlis who was the first baby born on New Year’s Day at Boone County Hospital (BCH).  She weighed 7 pounds and .3 ounces and was 19 ¾ inches long.  She joins sibling Kyleena (8), Nadia (6), and Vivienna (3).  "Alessandra is a rainbow baby and deeply longed for after the loss of her brother Kallum due to stillbirth in 2020," says her parents.  

“Having her born on New Year’s Day was an unexpected, but fun surprise.  We were so excited to see if Alessandra would be the first baby of the New Year or the last of 2021.  As the labor progressed and time became closer and closer to midnight, anticipation grew,” says the parents.  “We are moved beyond words by the genuine kindness, compassion, and generosity of the Family Birth Center staff.  A beautiful gift and is the cherry on top of a positive birth experience.”

The gift basket the couple received for baby Alessandra was provided by the staff of the BCH Family Birth Center and our delivering providers:  Dr. Sivesind, Dr. Hay, and Dr. Linkenmeyer.  The basket included a case of diapers, wipes, baby blankets, bibs, snacks, baby tub, lotions, facial masks, brush for mom, baby brush, toy/teether, children’s books, teddy bear, diaper cream, and other miscellaneous items.

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