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Clinical Ladder Details

What is the purpose of Boone County Hospital’s (BCH) Clinical Ladder Program?

The Clinical Ladder Program at BCH has been provided to recognize and reward, as well as promote and support, Registered Nurses who excel at their professional practice, and demonstrate a commitment to professional growth and development.

The Clinical Ladder Program will provide a method for nurses to participate in a program to increase professionalism, improve patient care, increase patient and staff satisfaction, and promote recruitment and retention.

Who is Eligible for Boone County Hospital’s Clinical Ladder Program?

  • All full-time and part-time registered nurses who are currently employed at BCH.

  • All non-exempt registered nurses who hold a full-time or part-time position that delivers direct “hands-on” patient care, including house supervisors.

  • All applicants for BCH’s Clinical Ladder Program must have documented performance that meets or exceeds the expectations documented in their annual performance evaluation.  Applicants without the signature of the director substantiating that performance meets or exceeds expectations will not be considered for the Clinical Ladder Program.

  • The registered nurse can NOT have any formal, written disciplinary action during the six months prior to the application.  Any formal, written disciplinary action during the program makes the clinical ladder candidate ineligible to complete the program or receive a monetary bonus for the year.

  • The RN must have completed one (1) full year of employment at BCH prior to applying for the clinical ladder.

  • Participants must be employed by BCH on the date the bonuses are distributed to receive the bonus.

  • All clinical ladder candidates will be required to complete a portfolio.  Portfolios will be reviewed by the Professional Development Council during their July and August scheduled meetings following the current program year.  Two or more members of the council will review each portfolio.  The candidate will receive notification of the status of their portfolio by letter.

  • All portfolios that do not meet criteria will receive an explanation as to why.  Upon final review, the portfolios will be returned to the applicant and your department director.

What is the Criteria for the Portfolio?

  • The program will be yearly from July 1 to June 30. The portfolio will be turned into the manager/director by the first Friday in July of the following year.

  • The portfolio should in a hardcover 3-ring binder with full name and year of participation on the front cover.

  • The applicant must have points from each of the four (4) sections.  The following sections should be separated with page dividers and labeled tabs:

  1. Care Delivery

  2. Professional Growth

  3. Leadership

  4. Collaboration

  • Any patient identifiers must be removed from the document.

  • All written summaries should be typed and include the following:

    • Your role

    • Actions taken and why

    • Collaboration:  how and with whom

    • Experience:  describe what you learned

    • Outcomes:  describe how the activity may impact outcomes

  • You can NOT enter the same activity in more than one category/area.  For example, if you are the chair of a committee, you are also a member; however, points will only be awarded once.

  • Please clarify any questions regarding portfolio assembly and documentation with a member of the Professional Development Committee. Members are Juanita Gilley, Mindy Green, Peg King, Erika Loney, Kate Pithan, Jane Spurgeon and Carla Chow.

  • It is the goal of the committee to review the portfolios during their July and August scheduled meetings following the current program year. Two or more members will review each portfolio. You will receive notification of portfolio evaluation completion by a letter.

What is the Program’s Point System About?

This program payout is subject to all applicable IRS payroll taxes, employee benefits and retirement withholdings.

  • Bronze  =   10 – 25   points

  • Silver     =   26 – 46    points

  • Gold      =     47 +    points

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