No Smoking
It is the policy of Boone County Hospital (BCH) to promote the health, well-being and safety of all employees, patients, medical staff, students, contract personnel, volunteers, visitors, and vendors while on BCH premises. Tobacco is a proven health and safety hazard, both to tobacco users and non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke. Tobacco use is inconsistent with our healthcare mission and thus is not permitted on the BCH campus. BCH is committed to providing an environment free of all tobacco products.
The No Smoking Policy exists as one of many methods to promote and encourage healthy lifestyles throughout BCH and our community. The success of this policy will depend upon the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of all tobacco users and non-users alike.
For more information on the state law regarding anti-smoking please contact 1-888-944-2247 or visit the Smoke Free Air website (Opens in New Window).