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Boone Ambassadors Visit BCH

March 16, 2023

On March 14th, the Red Coats and members of the Boone County Chamber Board visited Boone County Hospital and got a chance to do an extensive tour of the Hospital.

Members were able to see the first-floor renovations that were completed last summer throughout the main lobby, café, surgery waiting, ER waiting and the hallways which create a warm and inviting experience with the fresh new aesthetic. The renovations are the first for the space in 20 years and include new paint, carpet, furniture, art, lighting, and signage.

The second stop was on the 2nd floor of the Hospital to see the new Senior Life Solutions (SLS) Program; staff will start seeing patients on March 20th.  With locations in over 100 rural communities nationwide, SLS is an intensive outpatient group therapy program designed to meet the unique needs of adults, who are typically 65 years of age and older, and experiencing symptoms of mental health issues related to aging. The program offers a comprehensive assessment, group, and individual therapy, family therapy, medication education and management, and after-care planning. All insurance plans are accepted and referrals to the program can be made by anyone, including a patient's physician, family member, self-referral, or another healthcare professional. 

The next stop was on 3rd floor to visit the newest Chamber member, Mid Iowa Anesthesia (MIA) and Pain Services. Boone County Hospital represents one of four Iowa clinic locations for the team at MIA. They are also seeing patients in Carroll, Guthrie Center, and Cherokee. The Clinic uses an all-around approach for patients experiencing chronic pain, including the latest technology, pain management procedures, and medical management, as well as utilizing other resources in physical therapy, physiological services, and more to reach through the layers to get to the source of their symptoms. 

Thank you to the Ambassadors for taking an interest in the many services at BCH.

Pictured above:  the Ambassadors, Mikaela Kienitz, BCH CEO, and Senior Life Solutions staff in their new area; right:  the Ambassadors, Chris Hanson, Board Certified Pain Specialist and MIA owner, and Mikaela Kienitz, BCH CEO, outside the Pain Clinic


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