FBC Receives MamaNatalie
The Family Birth Center (FBC) received the MamaNatalie birthing simulator in September from the Iowa Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the University of Iowa Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Every Level I hospital in the State of Iowa received one. The funds used to purchase MamaNatalie were supported by our HRSA Maternal Health Innovation Grant.
Along with MamaNatalie is her newborn baby, NeoNatalie; both will help enhance simulation into the Center’s education. MamaNatalie supports learning objectives:
simulated fetal heart sounds
fetal positioning
interventions for shoulder dystocia
instrument delivery, cord prolapse
urine catheterization
postpartum care
delivery of placenta
postpartum hemorrhage
medication therapy.
“This tool will be beneficial by allowing for more training of staff in realistic situations,” says Dena Sytsma, FBC Director. “When you really see a baby delivering or bleeding that needs to be controlled you react. It is really hard to pretend some scenarios without a tool like Mama Natalie and the learning the occurs in simulations only improves the care we provide in real life.”
She adds, “Mama Natalie will provide us with an excellent opportunity to create more realistic maternal simulations. The Family Birth Center is planning for a simulation in early November and hope to include ancillary departments that would be impacted in the emergency scenario. She will also allow us to provide more hands-on training to our new nursing staff in the Center. The FBC staff are very appreciative of this tool that will allow us to continue to provide excellent care to our patients.”
Pictured: The Birth Center staff mock-up a pretend birth with MamaNatalie and NeoNatalie