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FBC Simulation Program

December 13, 2023

Obstetric emergencies are pregnancy related conditions that can impact the mother and the baby in pregnancy or at birth.  Many of the emergencies do not occur often but have the potential to have a big impact on the outcome of both patients.  The emergencies are often high-pressure and require quick decision making.  Simulation allows care teams to work through scenarios they may not encounter often and practice those skills and critical thinking in a learning environment.  Simulation also allows teams to work through process improvements and test change.       

The Boone County Hospital (BCH) Family Birth Center implemented a simulation program in 2022 which has continued to grow with more opportunities in 2023.  In our first year, we were able to complete nine simulations and to date this year, we have completed 19 simulations.  Many of the simulation situations are multi-disciplinary allowing departments throughout the hospital to participate, including physicians, OB, OR, Lab, house supervisors, and ER.  The simulations have included emergency situations involving both maternal and neonatal cases.  Simulation has been significant in the development of our CODE OB Cesarean 30 process and improvements to our obstetrical hemorrhage protocols.     

BCH is committed to providing a safe and caring environment for our maternal and newborn patients and the simulation program is one example of our commitment.

Pictured, left to right, front:  Sammi Kennon, Genev Calek, Christine VanderLeest, Jessica Harrison; back: Hannah Stark, Emily Terlouw, Mindy Green, Dr. Hay, Dr. Linkenmeyer, Dena Sytsma  

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