New BCH Logo
Boone County Hospital (BCH) is excited to introduce their new logo to the community. The new logo was approved by the Board of Trustees in January and unveiled to employees at the Employee Open Forums and at an Employee Logo Wear Sale in February.
A new logo has been under discussion for many years. “The old logo was almost 30 years old,” says BCH CEO Joe Smith. “We felt it was time for a fresh new look; something more modern and current.” The curve in the new logo represents the many roads to the hospital. “Because Boone County Hospital has clinics and services outside of the hospital and in neighboring towns such as Madrid and Ogden, the new logo was a good representation of how we better our communities’ healthcare, not just in Boone, but in our outer lying clinics as well,” says Joe. “Over time, we will be implementing the new logo into our workplace and into our promotions, and will be phasing out the old logo.”