Upcoming Immunization Clinics for Children Under 18
The Immunization Clinics offered by Boone County Public Health listed below are open to anyone under the age of 18 who is need of vaccinations and is uninsured, underinsured, or has Medicaid. A free will offering of $17 is suggested.
- August 9th and September 21st from 3 to 5:45 p.m., Home Care Services, 105 South Marshall Street, Boone.
- August 11th from 3 to 5 p.m, Madrid Middle/High School. Immunizations offered at this clinic are the Varicella, Tdap, HPV, and Menactra vaccines.
- August 17th from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Boone Middle School. The Tdap vaccine will be offered.
- A clinic will be offered this fall in Ogden. The date is yet to be determined.
For questions about any of these clinics or future clinics, call Kerry, Boone County Public Health, at (515) 432-1127.