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Volunteering: A rewarding experience

April 11, 2016

Are you looking for ways to give back to the Boone community?  For many individuals who are considering volunteering, they may be wondering where to begin in their search for service opportunities.  The Boone County Hospital (BCH) Auxiliary may be the rewarding experience they are looking for in their search to volunteer.

During National Volunteer Month in April, the Auxiliary volunteers at BCH will be recognized for their time and service.  They play an important role at the hospital each and every day of the year.  Since 1958, the BCH Auxiliary has played a present and visible role at the hospital; men and women volunteers can be spotted in green jackets and vests throughout the hospital.  In fact, from September 2014 through August 2015, BCH volunteers gave 11,431 hours to the hospital.  

What isn’t as obvious is the financial support Auxiliary fundraising provides for hospital equipment purchases, scholarships and salary support through projects and events hosted throughout the year.  The Auxiliary would like to continue serving the hospital and are looking for men and women of any age to volunteer their time.  “It’s really another community you can take part in,” says Jan Putnam, BCH Auxiliary Board President.  “The staff is very friendly, and you get to help so many different people.”

You can volunteer as much or as little as you want.  The time commitment is flexible and there are no weekends.  Jan says, “The nice thing about the Auxiliary is no matter your personality, there is a place and a task for you.”  There are many opportunities that include Atrium Host, Surgery Host, Gift Shop, Coffee Shop, Mail and Flower Deliver, Tour Guide and much more!

As a volunteer there are many benefits.  You get to enjoy the company of others, support the community hospital, and make an impact on the life of a patient and their family.  You get to take part in projects and events such as the Annual Festival of Trees and Holiday Open House, the $5 Jewelry Fair and scholarships, and receive 20 percent of in BCH Gifts Galore.  “Volunteering is a way to give back to the community by helping the local hospital,” says Carol Keithley, BCH Auxiliary membership coordinator.  Whether you have a lot of time or a little, there is a place for you at BCH.  We can match your skills and interests with a volunteer position that meets your needs and ours.  

Whether it's serving as a host, delivering mail to patients, visiting with family members or leading a tour group through the hospital, you can make a difference.  If you are interested in volunteering, contact Carol at (515) 360-4311 or  For more information about the BCH Auxiliary, log on to and click on "Careers and Volunteers."  

Pictured:  BCH volunteers Carol Keithley, Jan Putnam, Glenda Camelin, Connie Kruck

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